Yafit Lev-Aretz
Yafit Lev-Aretz is a post doctoral research fellow at the Information Law Institute and an adjunct professor at the Media, Culture, and Communications Department at New York University. She will be joining the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, City University of New York as an assistant professor in fall 2018. Yafit studies self-regulatory regimes set by private entities and the legal vacuum they create. She is especially interested in the growing use of algorithmic decision-making,choice architecture in the age of big data, and ethical challenges posed bymachine learning and artificially intelligent systems. Her research also highlights the legal treatment of beneficial uses of data, such as data philanthropy and the data for good movement, striving to strike a delicate balance between privacy protection and competing values. Before coming to NYU,Yafit was an intellectual property fellow at the Kernochan Center for the Law,Media, and the Arts at Columbia University, where she analyzed online practices from copyright and trademark law perspectives. Yafit holds an SJD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, an LLM from Columbia Law School, and an LLB from Bar-Ilan University in Israel.