Sharon Ringel
Sharon Ringel is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia Journalism School. Her research focuses on digital archives, specifically, on the ways in which current archiving practices are implicated in the narratives we will be able to produce in the future. She received her PhD from the Department of Communication at the University of Haifa in 2017. In her dissertation, entitlesd: “Digital technologies and future memory: Archival digitization at the National Library of Israel”, she followed the practices of archival workers, the role of technologies, and the representation of archival materials as digital objects in Israel’s foremost site for preserving knowledge and culture. The study illuminates the ways professional discourse regarding archival digitization emphasizes the technical issues and skirts around serious consideration of political and social assumptions and ramifications. Her current study focuses on the preservation of news content—print and digital—and the ways in which news organizations are dealing with the challenges of long term conservation while ensuring future access to the first draft of history.