Rodrigo Zamith
Rodrigo Zamith is an Assistant Professor in the Journalism Department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research interests lie at the intersection of journalism and technology, with a focus on the reconfiguration of journalism in a changing media environment and the development of digital research methods for social scientists. Zamith's recent scholarship includes: “Quantified Audiences in News Production: A Synthesis and Research Agenda” (Digital Journalism), “A Computational Approach for Examining the Comparability of ‘Most-Viewed Lists’ on Online News Sites” (Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly), and “On Metrics-Driven Homepages: Assessing the relationship between popularity and prominence” (Journalism Studies). He is also a recipient of the Nafziger-White-Salwen Dissertation Award and runner-up for the Gene Burd Dissertation Award, and is an affiliate faculty member of the University of Massachusetts Amherst's Computational Social Science Institute. Zamith received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Minnesota.