Mike Ananny
Mike Ananny is an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism and an Affiliated Faculty with USC’s Science, Technology and Society research cluster. He studies the public significance of networked news infrastructures – how they reflect and challenge journalistic and technological values. He has held fellowships and scholarships with Harvard’s Berkman-Klein Center on Internet and Society, Stanford’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, LEGO Corporation, and Interval Research. He was a founding member of Media Lab Europe’s research staff, a postdoc with Microsoft Research’s Social Media Collective, and has worked or consulted for LEGO, Mattel, and Nortel Networks. His PhD is from Stanford University (Communication), SM from the MIT Media Lab (Media Arts & Sciences), and BSc from the University of Toronto (Human Biology & Computer Science). He has published in a variety of academic and popular venues including Science, Technology, and Human Values; Critical Studies in Media Communication; International Journal of Communication; Journal of Computer Mediated Communication; American Behavioral Scientist; Digital Journalism; The Atlantic; The Globe & Mail; and Nieman Journalism Lab. His book on networked press freedom will be published by MIT Press in 2018.