Matthew S Weber
Dr. Matthew Weber is an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Information, and Director of Rutgers’ NetSCI Network Science Research Lab. Matthew’s research examines the evolution of the news media industry in response to the introduction of new information communication technology. More broadly, he focuses on processes of organizational change and adaptation, both internal and external to the organization. His recent work includes a large-scale longitudinal study examining strategies employed by media organizations for disseminating news and information through online hyperlink networks. Subsequent research includes an examination of the effectiveness of adopting social media within organizations in order to share knowledge and to collaborate with teammates. Matthew is also leading an initiative to provide researchers with access to the Internet Archives ( in order to study digital traces of news networks. Matthew utilizes mixed methods in his work, including social network analysis, archival research and interviews. Matthew received his PhD in 2010 from the Annenberg School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Southern California.